




The project was first conceived along the lines of a goal that is simple to understand and yet a challenge to implement. Other factors, which influenced the choice of the project, include the application of the UART for remote operational environment. Further, it enabled me to apply the knowledge gained through the Engineering Council Examination and the skills acquired during my work at the field of Electronic Engineering.



The project is to read a number from a terminal, which is located at a remote point. Subsequently, the numbers is validated by a database, which is places at central location, and relay a message to remote terminal depending on the data it received. The objective has been reached.



The project design was carried out in two phases. Phase I involved in the design of the RIVD and PCB. For this a wide variety of remote interfacing products and associated literature were thoroughly studied. Most importantly, the data sheets of communication ICs collected from respective semiconductor manufacturers and further invited them for their suggestion for the improvement of the project. First, all the individual events were modularized to form the complete design and layout the basic architecture of RIVD. Then each module was tested in account of its performance and was linked to successive event and was tested again for overall performance. Once this breadboard design part was accomplished, PCB design and other electrical connections together with its associated accessories were accompanied


The phase II of the project was to write programs in C and was scrapped and Visual Basic  program was written to take its place for RIVD. The programs were checked manually with test data before the full implementation. Later, they were complied and tested again to verify the 100% accuracy in performance. This work was completed at week 11, which left one week to adjust and further improvement. 



Working on this project taught me about several things

  • ·        Working with devices like UART for stand along data transmit/Receive

  • ·        Advance programming in Visual Basic 6

  • ·        Timing asynchronous data transfer correctly

  • ·        PCB design and etching 

  • ·        Troubleshooting circuit boards

  • ·        Incorporating hardware with software

  • ·        CAD and drawing

  • ·        Documenting a project




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Last modified: July 13, 2002