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10.2 Raw data testing for main program


   T/P  No.        Date/Time (dd mm yy Hrs.)       Duration (min. sec.)

071758248         01:08:99.13:22:59               12.29

  57241               01:08:99.15:52:23               23.19


Sequential Action List


Do While not Power Off


2.Self Test

3.Check System

4.N=0 (M/L 0000H), TP_NO=0



Do While not Power Off AND Do until Reset OR N=16371 (3ff3H)

6.Dial telephone number 071758248

7.Store 071758248 at TP_NO


If Polarity Reversal Interrupt (PRI) =0

8.Store start time 01:08:99.13:22:59 at START


If  (PRI) =1

                        9. Store end time 01:08:99.13:35:28 at END

                        10. TOT_COUNT=01:08:99.13:22:59 - 01:08:99.13:22:59=12:29

                        11.Store TP_NO (071758248) at M/L 0000H

                        12. N=N+9 (0009H)

                        13.Store START at M/L 0009H

                        14.N=N+6 (000fH)

                        15.Store TOT_COUNT at M/L 000fH

                        16.N=N+2 (0011H)


Do While not Power Off AND Do until Reset OR N=16371 (3ff3H)

6.Dial telephone number 071758248

7.Store 957241 at TP_NO


If Polarity Reversal Interrupt (PRI) =0

8.Store start time 01:08:99.15:52:23 at START


If  (PRI) =1

                                    9. Store end time 01:08:99.16:15:42 at END

                                    10. TOT_COUNT=01: 01:08:99.16:15:42-01:08:99.15:52:23 =23:19

                                    11.Store TP_NO (000957241) at M/L 0011H

                                    12. N=N+9 (002aH)

                                    13.Store START at M/L 002aH

                                    14.N=N+6 (0030H)

                                    15.Store TOT_COUNT at M/L 0030H

                                    16.N=N+2 (0032H)



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Last modified: July 13, 2002