7.2 Visual Basic 6 Coding for RIVD Option
Explicit Private Sub
Form_Load() Dim UserName
As String Dim Password
As String ‘ verify
user name and password UserName =
InputBox("Please enter the user name") Password =
InputBox("Please enter the password") If (UserName
= "ErangaB") And (Password = "RIVD") Then MsgBox "The login is correct!" Else MsgBox "Incorrect Login!" End End If ' tells the
MSComm control to fire the comEvReceive event ' when there
are at least one byte available in the buffer MSComm1.RThreshold
= 1 ' When
Inputting Data, tell the MSComm control to only give ' us one
byte at a time when we request data from the buffer. MSComm1.InputLen
= 1 ' 2400 Baud,
No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit MSComm1.Settings
= "9600,N,8,1" ' Open COM1 MSComm1.CommPort
= 2 MSComm1.PortOpen
= True If Not
MSComm1.PortOpen Then MsgBox
"Cannot open port 2" End If End Sub Private Sub
Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) ' disconnect
the remote access and finishes data process MSComm1.CommPort
= False End Sub Private Sub
MSComm1_OnComm() Static
sDigits As String ' Holds the
ten number string Dim sData As
' Holds number entered at keypad
' in recieved Format Dim lData As
' Holds number entered at keypad as number Dim iName As
String ' If
comEvReceive Event then get data and display If
MSComm1.CommEvent = comEvReceive Then Beep sData = MSComm1.Input
' Get data (the number) [1 byte] lData = Asc(sData)
' Get NumericaL Value of sData sDigits = sDigits & CStr(lData) ' Append the
digit to sDigits |
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